How To Change 5.3l Lifters Without Removing Heads?

After a certain amount of time, your car’s components will stop working efficiently, regardless of how careful you are. For your 5.3L, this rule does not apply to the lifters.

Lifters play a vital role in the engine’s operation, for those who are unfamiliar. It ensures that the engine valves open and close when needed to maximize air intake and exhaust efficiency.

How To Change 5.3l Lifters Without Removing Heads

In the event that the lifters are not functioning properly, they can cause several problems, so replacing them is crucial. It is difficult to change lifters on 5.3l engines without removing the heads.

Using a lifter removal tool, the old filters can be removed and replaced without removing the heads.

The cost of changing 5.3l lifters might worry you, especially if you aren’t sure how to do it “How to change 5.3l lifters without removing heads? ” ”, but you will find everything you need in this article. Find out everything you need to know by reading on.

Can You Change The Lifters Without Removing The Heads?

For 5.3l engines, replacing the lifters without removing the heads is possible. The head bolts need to be removed using a special tool only on certain Impreza models. If your model is exceptional, you will be able to return to normal within a short timeframe, following our simple steps.

What Are 5.3L Lifters?

Let’s begin by understanding what 5.3l lifters are and why they’re important before we discuss how to replace them without removing the heads.

During thermal expansion, the lifter opens and closes the engine valves in order to control air intake. They check the valve timing to ensure that the engine is working efficiently.

What Are 5.3L Lifters

Engine lifters with 5.3-liter displacement are called 5.3-liter lifters. These lifters are often found on heavy-load vehicles like trucks and SUVs. In a car, lifters reduce valvetrain noise, regulate valve timing, and adjust valve placement in order to improve the engine’s performance.

What Are The Benefits Of Replacing Lifters?

The next objective of this article is to outline some of the reasons why your lifters may need to be replaced.

What Are The Benefits Of Replacing Lifters

Contaminated Oil

An engine’s lifters are lubricated with engine oil, unless you already know. Wear and damage to them can contaminate the engine oil, causing a variety of problems.

Efficiency Is Reduced

An engine with damaged lifters is less efficient, resulting in a reduction in power output.

Damaged Lifters

Every vehicle component wears out over time, including lifters. It’s because they’re constantly rubbing against the camshafts and pushrods. This may result in the lifter not functioning properly, requiring replacement.

Angry Noises

Wear and tear on the lifters will cause the engine to tick constantly. The noise can sometimes be bothersome, causing you to lose concentration while driving. The damaged lifters can be replaced with new ones to solve this problem.

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If your lifters are malfunctioning, your engine will sound different from when your car is locked, which sounds like a beep.

Engine Problems

A damaged or worn-out lifter can negatively affect an engine’s valvetrain, which can also degrade its performance. Due to this situation, you might have to replace your lifters.

Can You Change The Lifters Without Removing The Heads?

For most 5.3l engines, it is possible to replace the lifters without removing the heads. The head bolts can only be removed using a special tool on certain Impreza models. Our simple steps will get you back on track in no time, with the exception of exceptional models.

How To Change 5.3l Lifters Without Removing Heads?

The lifters need to be changed as soon as possible to avoid further issues. You can replace your 5.3L lifters without removing the heads of your vehicle by following these steps.

Lifters Replacement

It is easy to remove faulty lifters once all components blocking them are removed. Remove the old lifters and install the new ones in their sockets. You should follow the correct pattern when installing new lifters to prevent them from wearing out quickly.

After installing the new lifters, the engine oil should be changed, and if possible, new filters should be installed.

Engine Inspection

Having prepared all the tools and equipment, the next step is to examine the engine. Become familiar with your car’s engine as much as possible. It is important to know where each engine component is located and to check them all.

You should take pictures of different engine components for future reference as well as for taking pictures of different engine components. To make an effective strategy, it is important to examine the engine during this process. This will provide you with a better understanding of the problem.

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Tools And Materials

The main step involves removing the lifters and replacing them with new ones, so it is important to have all the tools and equipment on hand. You will find all the tools you need to replace the 5.3l lifters on this list.

Oil Filter And Engine Oil

Wear-out lifters can contaminate the oil, as well as changing the oil and installing new filters.

Safety Gears

Maintain safety equipment such as safety glasses, gloves, clothing, and other safety gear while the replacement process is underway.

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New Lifters

Before you remove the current lifters, make sure you have the replacement lifters ready. Consult the vehicle manual to determine the right lifters.

Removal Tool

5.3L engines must be equipped with a tool that can remove lifters without removing the heads.


Keep a screwdriver kit with different head sizes and styles on hand for unscrewing and assembling different parts of your vehicle.

Torque Wrench

This tool is used to tighten screws and bolts.

Take The Components Apart

To ensure your safety, you must disconnect your car’s battery before replacing it. There are some components under the intake manifold of the car that prevent you from accessing the lifters, including the intake manifold, valve covers, and pushrods.

The intake manifold must be disconnected before you disconnect electrical connectors, disconnect hoses, and unscrew bolts. Now that the manifold is aside, put it away.

Loosen the bolts holding the valve covers on the engine and remove them. If your car has pushrods, you will need to remove them to inspect the lifters.

When removing parts, label them and organize them based on their removal order to avoid confusion later.

Assemble The Components Again

Having replaced the filters, changed the engine oil, and replaced the filters, the next step is to assemble all the components. Put them back in reverse order. Labeling and organizing the unit was one of the steps you took when you disassembled it.

When you have installed all the components back, use the images you took earlier as a reference. Check for oil leaks after you have checked for leaks.

To replace 5.3l lifters without removing heads for the first time, watch the YouTube video below.

Chevy 5.3 Lifter Replacement Kit

For the GM 5.3 AFM, this is a replacement lifter kit. Through manipulation of a plunger, the hydraulic lifter in a car’s engine removes any slack in the valve train by using oil pressure. This feature minimizes wear and tear on the engine while also reducing noise. It is possible for hydraulic lifters to wear out over time if the vehicle is used regularly.

How Much is the Chevy 5.3 Lifter Replacement Cost?

If they start taking the top end apart, they will most likely discover additional damage, which will affect the final cost. This engine will require the replacement of the lifters and camshaft, which will cost more than $1000.

How Much is the Gm 6.2 Lifter Replacement Cost?

The average price of repairing a cam or AFM lifter at a GM dealer is $3500-$4500.

How Much is the Gm 6.2 Lifter Replacement Cost

Afm Lifter Failure Symptoms

If you hear chirping, ticking, squealing, or squeaking sounds, then the vehicle’s Check Engine light is illuminated and misfire codes are stored in its computer.

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Misfire conditions may go unnoticed by the vehicle operator.

Can You Drive With A Bad Lifter?

There is no doubt that driving with a bad lifter is possible. You will feel annoyed and your engine will be damaged due to too much noise. You should immediately replace the lifters or repair your car’s engine if you notice a problem while driving.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I just replace lifters?

Lifters do not need to be replaced in their entirety. All components must be installed correctly for the engine to operate smoothly.

Can I change lifters without professional help?

With the right tools and knowledge, it is possible to change lifters on your own.

Is It Safe to Drive with Bad Lifters?

It’s not recommended to drive with bad lifters despite the possibility. As a result, you may be annoyed by the engine’s noise when you drive. Other serious problems can also develop as a result of contaminating engine oil. To avoid driving with bad lifters, replace old lifters with new ones if possible.

Is Replacing the Lifters Hard?

No, actually. Having some knowledge of engines and automobiles can help you replace the engine yourself. In order to avoid mistakes during the entire process, it is important to remain patient and attentive.

How Much Time Does Replacing the Lifters Take?

You can replace the lifters in about 60 to 70 minutes. You will determine the outcome of your work based on the speed and efficiency of your work. Stay calm throughout the process to ensure everything runs smoothly.

What are the signs of worn-out lifters?

Lifter wear can reduce engine performance and cause warning lights to illuminate.

Are there any specific tools for the 5.3L engine?

This article includes a comprehensive list of tools necessary for 5.3L engines.

Can I use aftermarket lifters for replacement?

It may be possible to replace your lifters with aftermarket ones if your engine is compatible with them.



This guide has provided a brief overview of 5.3L lifters, as well as some reasons why they should be replaced.

Finally, I showed you a step-by-step method for replacing 5.3l lifters without removing the heads.

With this knowledge, you’ll never have to sit idle when your lifter malfunctions, so you can get it fixed faster.

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