How To Enable Easy Entry In Your Tesla Model 3 And Model Y

The process of getting into and out of a car can be difficult for many people. The category may include overweight individuals, older individuals, and those with physical ailments. Since extra space makes it easier to get into and out of your vehicle, having to adjust your seat and steering wheel can be annoying.

How To Enable Easy Entry In Your Tesla Model 3 And Model Y

Tesla developed the Easy Entry feature in order to solve this problem. Easy Entry can be enabled in your Tesla Model 3 or Model Y by following the steps below.

Profile Creation For Drivers

It is necessary to create a driver profile before Easy Entry can be enabled. Our easy guide will show you how to make one for your Tesla. But what exactly are driver profiles? I and my friends enjoy setting up our steering wheels, seats, and mirrors a certain way while driving. Living in a household with many drivers can make switching all those things annoying.

Profile Creation For Drivers

My household is not uncommon for some of the members to be tall and some of the members to not be so tall. In order to keep the car’s settings like seat and steering wheel placements correct, a new driver had to adjust them each time. We discovered that driver profiles helped us solve these problems after purchasing a Tesla.

By creating a profile, you can position your seat, steering wheel, and side mirrors exactly where you want them. You can also save your Autopilot preferences and lights settings along with navigation and temperature settings.

NOTE: Driver profiles can be associated with individual keys. You can link your profile to your key by following this simple guide. The result will be personalized experiences.

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Ease Of Entry

Having discussed profiles, let’s move on to Easy Entry. The steering wheel and driver’s seat can be moved to make entering and exiting Tesla cars easier. Every driver who has a profile associated with it can enable Easy Entry.

Ease Of Entry

Using Easy Entry is as simple as tapping the driver profile icon, selecting the account of interest, then checking the box next to Use Easy Entry. When your car is in park, you can easily get in and out. When you press the brake pedal, you will be able to go back to your original driving settings.

NOTE: Make sure there are no obstructions behind the driver’s seat. Having a child car seat back there for a baby or toddler could cause you harm if Easy Entry pushes the driver’s seat all the way back.

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Easy Entry can be enabled in just a few steps on your Tesla Model 3 and Model Y. When you tap the driver profile icon, select the account you’d like to enable, and tick Use Easy Entry, you’ll be able to enable easy entry. Getting into and out of your car has never been easier.

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