Mercedes A4 Service: Cost & Checklist

Does your Mercedes A4 have any warning lights, such as “Mercedes A4 Service Required”, “Mercedes A4 Service Due”, or “Mercedes A4 Service Overdue”? Does anyone know why this is happening?

Mercedes A4 Service Cost & Checklist

Mercedes-Benz vehicles display these messages when specific maintenance and inspections are needed. The following is an overview of what the A4 Service entails, including its cost, checklist, and items included.

What Is Mercedes A4 Service?

Mercedes vehicles display this service code when some mandatory maintenance is necessary, such as replacing the air filter and spark plugs, and cleaning the sunroof. 

What Is Included In A4 Service?

Service a4 includes the following sub-items; however, they may vary depending on the vehicle:

What Is Included In A4 Service
  • Replacement of air filters
  • Replacement of spark plugs
  • Lubrication and cleaning of the sunroof

Replacement of air filters

To maintain the health of your engine, the air filter will be replaced during the A4 service. Airflow and fuel economy are definitely improved when new, clean air filters are replaced with old, dirty ones. 

A dirty air filter will also affect your car’s performance and cause costly repairs if it reduces engine power and efficiency.

Replacement of spark plugs 

Spark plugs are necessary to operate the ignition in a car. There are high-nickel alloy electrodes in the spark plug, and steel wires make up the shell.

When spark plugs are worn or damaged, they have a hard time making a spark, and this causes the engine to gradually lose performance. However, you might be experiencing some of the following problems:

Lubrication and cleaning of the sunroof

A detailed cleaning of your Mercedes sunroof is essential once a year because dust and debris particles can accumulate over time. You will need to repair your sunroof if you notice the following signs:

  • Opening and closing are stuck together
  • Debris built up over time
  • Gears with cracks
  • Squeaking or popping sounds

Mercedes A4 Service Cost

There are several factors that determine the Mercedes A4 service cost, including the location of the shop, the vehicle’s model, and the labor rates. 

It is, however, typical that the price of A4 service in the United States (USA) is between $210 and $320, and it can be a bit higher or lower in Australia (UK). Visit an online appointment booking site or book a shop appointment to find out what the exact cost will be. 

Checklist For A4 Service

No.Service Items
1Replacement of air filters
2Replacement of spark plugs
3Lubrication and cleaning of the sunroof

Reset Indicator Light After A4 Service

In this video guide, we show you how to reset the service light after all the maintenance has been completed. If you follow all the procedures in the video, you’ll be able to reset that message.

Mercedes A & B Servicing

For enhancing the engine’s performance, it is imperative to perform regular maintenance. It was introduced after 2009 by Mercedes manufacturer A and B service schedules.

It is easy to estimate the actual maintenance required on the vehicle when using the A and B series, as each of the service codes is explained well. Owners of Mercedes vehicles feel the minder system maintenance has made understanding their vehicle’s needs easier.

READ MORE:  Mercedes Pre-Safe Functions Limited Cause & Fix [Explained]

How Do I know when my Mercedes needs a4 service?

You will receive a warning message on your dashboard when your vehicle needs an A4 service. Occasionally, it can take a few moments for it to appear due to some technical issues, so in that case, check the settings of your vehicle.

If you see that message, it means that you still have a few days to go before your next service.

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A maintenance code is intended to help owners determine what maintenance is needed on their vehicles. Our discussion of one crucial code will help you improve the performance of your Mercedes. In order to avoid big problems, you should always get a minor service done immediately at a mechanic’s shop.

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