Tesla Easy Entry: Redefining Vehicle Accessibility

Tesla’s Easy Entry feature makes it easy for drivers to enter and exit their vehicles. The steering wheel and seat automatically return to their original positions after the car is placed in Park with the driver’s seatbelt unbuckled. Easy Entry can be helpful for drivers with mobility issues, since it can help them align their bodies properly.

Tesla Easy Entry Redefining Vehicle Accessibility

Tesla Easy Entry Setup

When creating your first profile, select Easy Entry from the Driver Profile menu.

If you are using the Easy Entry setting, make sure the driver’s seat and steering wheel are adjusted comfortably. Each driver has one Easy Entry setting.

Tesla Easy Entry Setup

A few tips on setting up a perfect Easy Entry position:

  • It is important that the seat is far enough back to make getting in and out of it comfortable
  • It is important to make sure a child’s car seat is not moved back too far behind the driver’s seat in order to avoid obstructing the child’s leg or dislodging it
  • Tap the brake pedal without straining or stretching to activate customized seat positions and steering positions.
  • Make sure the steering wheel or yoke is far enough up the vehicle for wheelchairs, walkers, or canes to comfortably pass through 
  • By tilting the seat, it will be easier to get in and out of the car
  • Set the seat height so taller drivers won’t hit the roof with their heads

You will then need to save the settings.

Changing the settings for Tesla Easy Entry

(Resetting the steering wheel and seating positions)

The steering wheel and seating position may need to be adjusted periodically. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Tesla Easy Entry Activation

Once your Driver Profile is created, you can activate or deactivate Easy Entry at any time. In order to reactivate Easy Entry after it has been deactivated, go to Driver Profile and click the Easy Entry button. 

Turning off Tesla Easy Entry

In the Driver Profile setting of your touchscreen, uncheck the Easy Entry checkbox.

Why Did Tesla Make Entry Easy?

In keeping with its name, Easy Entry provides drivers with extra space to enter and exit their vehicles. A driver can easily exit the vehicle with plenty of room thanks to the steering wheel and seat automatically retracting when they unbuckle their seatbelts. 

A driver may select the Easy Entry position once and it will remain in place until the next time the vehicle is entered. 

Whenever the driver sits down and taps the brake pedal, the vehicle’s custom driver profile settings are automatically adjusted. 

Why do you need Easy Entry?

An Easy Entry system may simplify the process of entering and exiting a vehicle. 

You might not have thought of these uses for Easy Entry. 

Easy Entry can be used to:

  • Being taller or shorter than average will reduce joint and muscle strain (and reduce the chances of hitting your head on the roof).
  • It is important to maintain proper alignment after a hip replacement or painful joint
  • Provide the right angle and space for people who have mobility issues to enter and exit the car 
  • A handbag (what do you think we meant?) should be allowed extra space in front.
  • Here’s how to wear stilettos smoothly and sexily (if you wear heels, you know what we mean)!
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How Easy Entry works 

Easy Entry is one of several features associated with Driver Profiles.

Your Driver Profile needs to be activated for Easy Entry to work. Seat and steering wheel positions can be set for all drivers with Easy Entry.  

Easy Entry will remain the same regardless of the driving position selected by each driver.  

All drivers should be able to access Easy Entry positions, or those who need them the most. 

Is there a best seat position for driving a Tesla?

Maintaining proper alignment throughout your drive will help you avoid strains and injuries. Additionally, it’s crucial that your seat and steering wheel positions allow you to see clearly on the road. Below are some tips for customizing your seating position. 

Let’s start with Easy Entry: 

  • For a clear view of the windshield and touchscreen, adjust your seat height so that your hips are equal to your knees.
  • Your back should remain in contact with the seat when you touch the pedals

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What models have Easy Entry?

The Tesla Model S, 3, X, and Y all have a feature called Easy Entry.

Does the passenger seat have Easy Entry?

Tesla models do not offer Easy Entry on the passenger seats.

Can each driver have their own Easy Entry setting? 

Drivers must feel comfortable with the universal setting since Easy Entry can only be set on one vehicle at a time. Nevertheless, Easy Entry can always be deactivated on a driver’s customized Driver Profile.

How do I set up my Tesla customized settings?

With a Driver Profile, drivers can customize their driving experience, including the position of their seat and steering wheel.

Does Tesla Model S have Easy Entry?

Easy Entry is available with the Tesla Model S.


As a demonstrative of the company’s commitment to redefining driving, Easy Entry reflects Tesla’s commitment to redefining the driving experience. The feature embodies Tesla’s ethos of combining cutting-edge technology with positive real-life experiences by combining cutting-edge technology with user-centric design. Our automotive industry can look forward to a future in which convenience and sustainability coexist seamlessly.

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