Top 8 Tips For Installing Boot Lids and Tailgates

Thankfully, repairing the lid and tailgate after a rear-end collision isn’t the most difficult job. But knowing this begs the question: Can you install a boot lid and tailgate yourself? Yes, but it does require some expertise and attention to detail.  Even with the help of a manual, some cars are more tricky to install a boot lid and tailgate. So, before you tackle this project, here are some tips to keep in mind before installing new boot lids and tailgates.

1. Know what you’re dealing with

Whenever you work on your car, it’s best to get the full picture of what you’re dealing with before getting started because there are various electrical components, latches, screws and parts that you’ll need to remove. Not knowing what you’re dealing with means you could take on something more complicated than you originally bargained for, and if you do something wrong, you might just make things worse. So, before getting started do a thorough inspection to see what needs to be done to the car and check the manufacturer’s instructions before diving in. This will ensure you don’t make unnecessary mistakes.

2. Buy the right parts

When it comes to buying boot lids and tailgates, regardless of whether you choose OEM parts or aftermarket spares, you need to ensure that you’re buying the right ones. Otherwise, they’ll arrive, and you’ll have to go through the effort of sending them back. To get it right the first time, always check that the model number on the parts you’re getting matches the model of your car.

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3. Get all of your tools ready

When starting a project, set out all the tools you’ll need to fix your car. When your tools are unorganised, it’s easy to misplace specific tools, which can be extremely frustrating as you’re working. So, lay your tools out neatly, making it easier to find the right tool when needed.

4. Disconnect your car battery

As a standard practice, unplug the battery when working with automotive electronics. Certain cars have sensors, lights, or rear cameras. Unplugging the battery limits your risk of getting shocked and prevents electrical shorts that could damage these components. When you unplug the battery, give it a minute or two for the residual energy to dissipate.

5. Have someone there to help

Fixing the tailgate and boot lid can successfully be done on your own, but it’s a lot easier when you have someone to help you. Even if it’s just to help hold the parts in place as you put them together, try asking a friend or family member to assist you as you complete the project. If you’re struggling with a portion of the repairs, having an extra set of eyes and a different perspective could be helpful too!

6. Memorise where the screws go

Picture installing the boot lid or tailgate and finding that you’ve missed a screw somewhere and can’t find it — the thought alone is frustrating. There’s an easy solution to this issue. Place all your screws, clips, nuts, and bolts in a designated area and label them according to where they need to go. This way, when it comes to reassembly, you will know exactly where they are and where they need to go.

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7. Ensure that the electricals are done right

Once you’ve installed the tailgate or boot lid, you’ll need to reconnect all the electrical components. When you’ve disconnected them, mentally note which wires go where and reconnect them in the exact order. Car electricals can be finicky at times, so you want to be careful not to damage anything.

8. Consult a professional

If you’re feeling a bit out of your depth or just want things done right the first time, consider hiring a professional to fix your car. While you may be completely capable of getting the job done, going to a professional comes with assurances that you unfortunately can’t offer yourself. For example, say you make a mistake and damage a rear sensor. You’d have to front the cost to fix that. However, if you take your car to a professional and break a sensor, they must fix it.

Final thoughts

Fixing boot lids and tailgates can be quite a simple fix because there’s not a lot of wiring to deal with. However, some cars, especially your modern cars, have advanced lighting systems, reverse cameras and other features that are generally built into the boot lid or tailgate. This can make taking it apart and replacing it more complicated. By following the tips provided the project should go as smoothly as possible.

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