What Causes Spark Plug Electrode To Bend (Reasons To Know)

As soon as you think your day is over, you discover your car won’t start. As you open the hood of your car, you notice that the spark plug electrode is bent.

Taking your car to the mechanic is so frustrating, considering that you might have to spend a whole day doing it. It is obvious that none of us wants to find ourselves in such a situation, but not all of us know what to do to avoid it. You don’t want to waste all of your time trying to figure out how to get your car running again, so let us be your guide.

Why Does A Spark Plug Electrode Bend?

What Causes Spark Plug Electrode To Bend

The bending of a spark plug can be caused by a variety of factors. We have listed all the usual and important reasons that you may encounter. Our team would like you to review the reasons listed below in order to determine the exact cause of a bent spark plug electrode in your vehicle.

Rod Bearing Failure

Pistons and crankshafts are connected by rod bearings. It is more likely for the piston to collide with the spark plug electrode when there is a rod bearing failure. The electrode will be damaged considerably by this process, as you can guess. Our recommendation is that you get immediate engine repair if you find yourself in this situation.

Improper Spark Plug Installation

Improper Spark Plug Installation

It is very important that you install the spark plug correctly and tighten the wrench properly so that it remains in place. Both too loose and too tight spark plugs will surely bend the electrodes, so you should not adjust them either way.

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A drop into a cylinder

There is a high probability of this happening due to negligence, especially during rough maintenance. There is a possibility that something may get stuck between the piston and the spark plug if something falls into the cylinder during maintenance. As a result, the piston will hit the spark plug, bending the electrode. The engine can also be severely damaged as a result of this.

Debris Buildup in Spark Plugs

Debris Buildup in Spark Plugs

When combustion materials and other debris accumulate in the spark plug gap, the gap can close up, causing electrode damage. A spark plug can be protected from combustion carbon and debris by applying dielectric grease or other protective lubricants.


A high engine temperature causes the electrodes to soften, which is common sense. The temperature rises even more during ignition, making things worse when your car doesn’t start on the first try, so you try again and again. Overheating and damage to a spark plug can result from these actions.

Spark plug electrodes can bend as a result of being subjected to very high temperatures. Consequently, you are using an inappropriate spark plug for your vehicle. It is recommended that you use a spark plug with a lower temperature tolerance.

Dropping The Spark Plug

It is possible that you will laugh at the reason we mentioned, or that you will think we are joking. There are quite a few people who experience this problem, no matter how silly it sounds.

Despite the strength of the spark plug itself, the electrode is fragile. Spark plug electrodes can bend or even crack as a result of dropping them during installation.

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Wrong Spark Plug Choice

Your vehicle requires a specific type of spark plug, so you should know what to use. No measurement difference should exist between the spark plug size and the plug size.

When spark plugs are installed incorrectly, they can be installed too deep or be too long. As a result, the electrode may bend when the spark plug touches the piston.

What Happens When A Spark Plug Electrode Bends?

An engine misfire is caused by a bent spark plug electrode. As a result, you will have difficulty starting your car’s engine and have engine problems.

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It is our hope that reading this article gave you a better understanding of why spark plug electrodes bend. Several factors can contribute to the electrode bending or even cracking, as you’ve read above. The wrong plug may be installed, the plug may be installed incorrectly, or dirt may accumulate on the plug.

Until this issue is resolved, you cannot drive your car. A damaged spark plug can cause serious damage to your car if you don’t fix or replace it before starting it.

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